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Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.
Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.
Ekitaldiaren deskribapena
On Saturday 4 January we return to the stage with authentic salsa dura from Vienna at G5-Live Music Bar.
Heiligenstädter Strasse 31, Vienna 1190, Austria.
Popular disturbance or uproar that involves criticism and opposition to authority. Boisterous and jaleo produced by the people.
“The best quality stamp achieved than the partying bullanga of these villages and towns, enlivened by the chords of the thunderous melody and the drums in the jarana, that is difficult to find”.
++++++++Salsa dura can be defined as a subgenre within New York salsa, with emphasis on strong wind instruments (trombones, trumpets), as well as piano and drum solos (timbales) and aggressive musical arrangements.++++++++++
See you on Saturday 4 January from 21:00 hrs.
Ticket: 10 Euro
You can buy online with 20% discount!!!!
José Carlos Velayarse - Timbales
Máx Leon - Singer
Emily Smejkal - Bass
Florencia Hernández - Keyboard
Rubén Ramirez - Congas
David Aguilar - Bongos
Stephan Hack - Trumpet
Clemens Scheibenreif - Trombone
Robert Maiß - Trombone
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