Art&Wine Workshop for Her Expat Life
12/10/2024 12:00
Event s photo 2024 09 17 19 31 00

Art&Wine Workshop for Her Expat Life

Organizado por: Catartsis Art&wine Malaga

Keyzen Soho. Keyzen Soho (C. Casas de Campos, 15, Terraza 6ª planta, Distrito Centro, 29001 Málaga) Ver mapa Keyzen Soho. Keyzen Soho (C. Casas de Campos, 15, Terraza 6ª planta, Distrito Centro, 29001 Málaga) 12/10/2024 12:00 (GMT+01:00) Madri

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Her expat life

40,00 €
0,00 €
Gastos de gestão:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €


We propose an exclusive plan in Malaga to enjoy with friends, couple or just to meet new people.

Where you will create a work of art on canvas while tasting the best wines and cheeses of Malaga, previously selected by our team of expert connoisseurs

An experienced artist will guide you step by step in the execution of the painting, you will be able to paint a great work of art without any previous knowledge.

What is included?

Your resident artist and guide

All the materials to create your work

3 glasses of the best wine from our city

Premium Local cheeses 

Of course, Your original work of art which you can expose at home. 

We work with fan and creative designs to get a satisfactory experience for all our clients.

You will leave with a taste of our city and our culture as well as an original work of art that you have painted!

Discover the best of Malaga’s gastronomy while enjoying with an original plan.

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