A Rite of Summer 2024
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A Rite of Summer 2024

Brought to you by: Laboratori d'Arts Contemplatives

Laboratori d'Arts Contemplatives. Laboratori d'Arts Contemplatives (Carrer del Castell s/n , Tavertet. Barcelona) See map Laboratori d'Arts Contemplatives. Laboratori d'Arts Contemplatives (Carrer del Castell s/n , Tavertet. Barcelona)

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Event details

La segona edició de A Rite of Summer, el Festival d'Arts Contemplatives compta amb talents internacionals i locals de diverses disciplines que faran d'un dels dies més especials de l'any una experiència inolvidable, lluny del brogit, la massificació i l'hiperconsumisme de Sant Joan.

El dia 23 podràs gaudir de concerts i espectacles d' Eivind Aarset / Jan Bang / Claudia Baulies / Nik Bärtsch / Avishai Cohen / Lucía Fumero / Ganavya / Shai Maestro / Magnus Öström / Clara Peya / Pablo Rosal / Kris Tena / Rosa Tharrats / Gabriel Ventura / Emma Villavecchia i Max Villavecchia

I el dia 24, podràs gaudir de les masterclasses de Ganavya, Magnus Öström, Eivind Aarset i Jan Bang i del concert de la Lau Noah

No t'ho perdis i adquireix les teves entrades ara al millor preu!

Web: https://artscontemplatives.com/esdeveniment/rite-of-summer-2024/ 


The second edition of A Rite of Summer, the Festival of Contemplative Arts, features international and local talents from various disciplines that will make one of the most special days of the year an unforgettable experience.

On the 23rd you can enjoy concerts and performances by Eivind Aarset / Jan Bang / Nik Bärtsch / Avishai Cohen / Ganavya / Shai Maestro / Magnus Öström / Clara Peya ... and many others!

And on the 24th, you can enjoy the masterclasses of Ganavya, Magnus Öström, Eivind Aarset and Jan Bang and the concert by Lau Noah

Don't miss it and get your tickets now at the best price!

Website: https://artscontemplatives.com/esdeveniment/rite-of-summer-2024/ 


Dia 23 - 65€

Aquesta entrada inclou totes les activitats programades pel dia 23. No inclou pernocta ni àpats.

This ticket includes all the activities scheduled for the 23rd. It does not include accommodation or meals.

Dia 24 - 40€

Aquesta entrada inclou totes les activitats programades pel dia 24 (masterclasses + concert de la Lau Noah). No inclou pernocta ni àpats.

This ticket includes all the activities scheduled for the 24th (masterclasses + concert by Lau Noah). Does not include overnight stay or meals.

Dia 23 i 24 - 90€

Aquesta entrada inclou totes les activitats/concerts/masterclasses programades pel dia 23 i pel dia 24. No inclou pernocta ni àpats.

This ticket includes all the activities/concerts/masterclasses scheduled for the 23rd and 24th. It does not include accommodation or meals.

Access policy

This event has no age restrictions.

Comment (1) 1 Comment

Attended on 23/06/2024 VERIFIED COMMENT
La comida k servían muy poca cantidad
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